How to Hire the Right Employee
Aug 30, 2022
Hire Slow, Fire Fast. Ever heard that before? We believe your growth correlates 100% with having the right people in the right seats on your team.
Your business relies on the right hiring decisions. When you hire the right people in the right seats based on your goals you will work toward growth, but what happens when you make the wrong hire? Yes, turnover, but what’s at stake in your business when you do not have enough team members?
What many organizations don’t consider is that many of the solutions to issues within the business start with your hiring process. Did you know that when companies lose an employee, the cost of turnover is 1.5-2 times the employee’s salary? Recruiting, interviewing, and onboarding, although critical, are all time-consuming administrative functions. Where else are you losing money due to staffing challenges? This is where you can lean on workforce management companies, like ourselves, for recruitment support to decrease turnaround time and associated costs. Your best recruiting partner will also be able to help you find the right person the first time around so you can hire smarter, better, and faster.
Get the most out of your recruiting partner by asking them:
The first thing your candidate is going to see as they are browsing through positions via the web is going to be the job title. You want your job title to both to make sense to the job role itself and to be appealing as an exciting move for your candidate’s career. If your job descriptions are lacking, you may be missing your mark on attracting top talent. Job descriptions should be clear and concise with specific responsibilities, requirements, and objectives. Writing specialized job descriptions is an important factor when trying to hire and recruit top talent. Your best recruiting partner will make sure your job descriptions are selling you as an employer.
Setting a clear process for taking applications and screening applicants will help you weed out the candidates that don’t fit your criteria. Whether you are hiring for a skilled labor position or looking for more of a clerical position, there should be a way to qualify candidates based on more than a skillset. Decide on a clear interview process. Once they have completed the interview, schedule them for the next step in the hiring process. Don’t forget to follow up with candidates!
Focusing on candidate experience is an absolute in improving hiring processes and winning top talent. Losing sight of the overall experience– that includes everything from the layout of your website, the ease of the application process, responsiveness, timely feedback, interview feedback, and on-boarding, training can be detrimental when trying to attract candidates. The goal of most companies is to have positive employee engagement and improved retention. If you’re hiring 1 just to turnover 2, it’s time to take a closer look at experiences.
Recruiting is not easy. Retention is even more challenging. We do the heavy lifting during the hiring process and provide you with candidates that will help your business excel. At the end of the day, picking your recruitment partners is critical to your success. Find a partner, not just a vendor. If your current partners aren’t focused on improving retention at your business, it’s time to make a change.
When it comes down to what’s at stake and you need to hire, choose HireLevel. Schedule a meeting with our team today to request talent and You’ll Save up to $1,000 when you Hire Direct before 2023 (maybe we will even throw in a steak dinner ????)