Stand Out and Get Hired in 2022
Jan 31, 2022
So, it’s the beginning of the New Year and you’re trying to put your new year’s resolutions into action. What’s your first step? If finding the right job is on your list of To-Do’s for 2022 here are some helpful tips to make it to the final rounds of interviews, and even the job offer itself. With so many job opportunities in the U.S., it seems like there is a new job on every corner. But the question should be, are these jobs the right fit for you? At HireLevel our goal for 2022 and beyond is to find the right job so you’ll never have to job-hunt again.
From the time you submit your application, send in your resume, and schedule a time to come in for an interview you’re already exhausted. We would know, applying for a job is hard work. But will all your hard work pay off? Even with the perfect resume you still need to ace that in-person interview to get through the door. You want to stand out as the right candidate and not just be the most memorable of the day. Stand out as the right candidate by making a good first impression. Why is making a good first impression important you ask? Studies have shown that within 30 seconds, your interviewer has already made the first impression of you. This first impression can affect the rest of the interviews flow and potential job offers. Here are some tricks of the trade from Recruiters doing the hiring.
BE PREPARED is what it all boils down to. Ask yourself these questions before going into the interview. What does the company do? What job opportunities are you interested in? What jobs does the company have posted on their website? Being prepared for your interview will not only make you feel more confident, but you will actually show the person doing the interview that you mean business.
The reality is that your Recruiter will have many different openings and if you can narrow down what you are interested in you can cut down the time and probing questions. Help yourself and help your interview find what you’re looking for, so they can help match you with your best fit.
Pro-tip: If you have any questions, write them down!
Please, please, please arrive on time for your interview. If you have a scheduled interview time the interviewer is taking the time out of their day to get to know your skills and experiences for a future career. Be mindful of the time you are given and make sure you make the most of the appointment.
Your interview STARTS the moment you arrive at the office. Every interaction you have from the receptionist, custodian, and of course the interviewer is all factored into you getting the job. The easiest rule to remember is that everyone you talk to should be considered a part of the interview.
Pro-tip: If you’re running late to your interview, call as soon as possible to let your interviewer know.
One of the most asked questions during an interview is “What makes you right for this position?”. With these questions, interviewers are giving you the chance to sell yourself before the interview is over.
You are the EXPERT on you, with no two candidates alike you are in a unique situation to tell the interview why they shouldn’t pass you.
Things To Know:
Pro-tip: Practice answering questions about yourself and your experiences. You are the expert of you and you should be able to chat about your experience and why you would be a great fit. That’s why you’re in the interview in the first place right?
Want to know what the most common interview mistake is during the interview process? Forgetting to send the “Thank You” email to the recruiter. If this doesn’t make you stand out, I don’t know what would. Not only does it keep you top of mind of the recruiter but it might give you the last needed push into the consideration for the job you’re wanting.
Pro-tip: Send the email will you are still in the parking lot after your interview.
HireLevel established the #HiFive Campaign in 2018 because we wanted to acknowledge the outstanding performance of our internal and external team members. Each branch of HireLevel submits a candidate that they believe shows the Five-Stars of a #HiFive Team Member. To learn more about the #HiFive Team Member of the Month Program click HERE
Not only does this program take the time to congratulate our amazing team members but we also take the time to connect with our outstanding clients.
Congratulations to Pitol Jonah!
Pitol was excited to receive this award and wanted to share with us his experience with HireLevel, our recruiter Shay Graham, and what he thinks makes a good team member.
What is your favorite part of your job?
That my boss is good to me and they tell me that I am a good worker.
What gives you the motivation to go above and beyond as a team?
I like to keep my body moving and healthy and I want to be able to provide for my family.
What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of doing a good job and being able to work with people that I am fond of. I also like this job because I keep my body moving and active.
What do you believe is the key to being a team player?
The key to being a team player is to help others and by being a good person.
Who has helped you become the outstanding team member that you are today?
When I was growing up my brother taught me the importance of hard work. Also, the HireLevel team, especially Shay, seem to care about me as a person and they helped me.